Sunday, October 25, 2015

Housing Displaced People

As the world becomes more populated, housing becomes an issue. Space and resources dwindle as well. Countries and individual groups begin to fight over the land and resources. This leads to the destruction of many people’s homes and communities. Over 60 million people worldwide are considered displaced due to conflict or natural disasters. In The Heart and the Fist, families in areas such as Rwanda and Bosnia were ripped apart. Children were left without parents or stable homes. These kids have little hope to better their lives. With the help of technological innovations, this problem should be easily resolved.
Children in Bosnia
What these displaced people need is efficient, cost friendly housing. The housing should be low maintenance but still provide a sense of home and community. These housing communities need to have a center for kids to congregate. The center will provide a sense of stability and normality for the kids in refugee camps. There will be a learning center and a rec center where people can meet up. The sense of community will help the morale of the refugees.

A cost efficient housing solution could be EverBlock. EverBlock is a Lego like building material that is a very easy to transport and distribute. It can be built into any type of housing. The blocks can be taken down and be built into something else if needed. This allows housing to be versatile and simple. For example, in The Heart and the Fist, Eric Greitens visited many places with insufficient housing for displaced people. People in Rwanda were unable to build a home. With EverBlock, the people in Rwanda would be able to construct housing and build a community. EverBlock could be the solution to housing for displaced people.
EverBlock block image
There may be possible consequences to EverBlock. For instance, EverBlock’s stability may be in question. It is made of light weight plastic and has no foundation. People could even break it down and steal the blocks. However, rebar can be used as stability or as foundation in the blocks. The rebar would also make it harder to steal. Also, its durability could be affected by the environment. The plastic may become weak due to the sun’s harmful rays. Another problem could be the cost. Each 12” x 6” block cost about $7.25. Each shelter would require about a 1000 blocks. Therefore, the shelter would cost around $7,250 each without utilities. Yet, it would require very little maintenance and can be reused. Even though EverBlock has some flaws, its potential benefits outweigh the consequences.

Modular offices and housing
Example of Housing
EverBlock is a solid solution to housing for displaced people. It would allow refugees to have a place to call home and build a normal family life. The kids will be able to have a supportive family and community despite their tough situation. They will develop hope and dream to better their lives outside these camps. The families and children in Rwanda and Bosnia would be better off with cost efficient housing, such as EverBlock. Hopefully, EverBlock can reduce the number of displaced people from 60 million to less than 20 million. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Construction Innovation

Innovation is another word for creativity. Creativity is thinking outside the box. Innovators think outside the box and create new and unique products. These products help the industry it was designed for, especially in the construction industry. New innovations have developed safer and more efficient ways of building. Workers have access to new safety and construction equipment, leading to a more efficient workplace. Project managers are able to quickly direct plans and workers. Companies see an increase in revenue because of innovations in the industry. As a client, their dreams can be made much faster and efficiently. Hopefully, technology will continue to advance and develop into amazing innovations. 
One innovation that I found very interesting is the permeable concrete.  This concrete, created by Tarmac, can absorb up to a 1000 gallons of water a minute. The absorbed water can be efficiently directed to water treatment centers with little harm to the environment. This allows for urban flooding to be greatly reduced. For example, hurricane Joaquin recently devastated the city of Columbia with massive flooding.

The flooding has claimed 19 lives and has closed over 300+ roads. With the permeable concrete, the flooding would have been greatly reduced. Lives and homes would have been saved. Not only does the permeable concrete can reduce flooding, it acts as a natural filter for the water. The pervious aggregate and soil will act as the natural filter. The water can be recycled more efficiently and reduce urban city waste. 
The permeable concrete is a fairly new innovation and has a few problems. One problem is its strength. It is not as strong as normal concrete, therefore it can only be used in light traffic area. Another possible problem is its susceptibility to fail in colder climates. Water could settle within the concrete and freeze. The expansion of the water could damage the concrete and cause it to crumble. A major problem would be the cost. Replacing the roads with the permeable concrete would cost a lot of money and take a lot of time. Taxes or some other source of revenue will have to be used to fund the project. Also, the traffic due to road closures would be horrendous. Especially in bigger cities, traffic would cause many people to spend less time with their families and have other unintended consequences. However, I believe the permeable concrete would be a common material as it improves its strength and durability. 
As the permeable concrete becomes more cost efficient, it will be readily used throughout the construction industry. Newer cities and residential areas will consist of roads made with permeable concrete. Even buildings could use the permeable concrete to absorb water in its base. The recycled water could be used in the bathrooms or to water the grounds. Many cities and suburbs will see a reduction in flooding and many lives would be saved. Permeable concrete will eventually replace standard concrete. 
Innovations in the construction industry benefits everyone that is involved in the process. Buildings are built bigger, stronger, and more efficiently. Companies are seeing a massive increase in revenue and the workers are much safer. Without innovations, the world would still be in the dark ages.