Sunday, September 13, 2015

Career Reflection

My Desk Hutch
At a young age, I always wanted to be an engineer. I would spend hours coming up with ideas and use Lego's to build it. From building the Death Star and Hogwarts, I learned that my creativity was endless. My imagination created some spectacular buildings and planes. Now, the Lego's sit in my closet but I still go to it when I'm bored or have a burst of creativity. As I grew older, I learned to work with my hands and create useful items, such as my desk hutch. I thoroughly enjoyed making stuff by hand. It gives you a sense of accomplishment.

I applied for Engineering as my first choice and Building Construction as the backup. Virginia Tech's Engineering is one of the best in the nation. Knowing full well that the Engineering school at Virginia Tech was extremely competitive, I felt that Building Construction was a secure back up. Building Construction was similar to Engineering in many ways and if I wanted to I could go through with the steps to transfer into Engineering. But as of right now, it's not part of the plan. Building Construction has sold me on its 100% job placement after graduating and a high starting salary. So finding work after graduating seems promising. Maybe I'll be able to pay off my student loans much sooner.

My Hunt Group
So far, class has been pretty interesting. I've met a bunch of cool people and made a lot of friends. We've learned about rework and the difference between concrete and cement. Also, we learned about how companies would have to go vertical if they fell behind. Going vertical means the company would have to cram a lot of work in a short period of time. We had a great time doing the Scavenger Hunt with my team, #13. I was able to see construction in action at various locations on campus. I was amazed at all the construction that was taking place at Virginia Tech. There was a lot happening next to Bishop-Favrao Hall. In a span of over a week it seems that not much is not being accomplish. However, if you look closely you can see that work is actually being done.

I can't wait to get all the safety stuff out of the way and start building stuff in the shop. What I hope to gain from this class is experience and knowledge of the construction industry. I would like to work with my hands in the shop and design some stuff as well. In class, I don't have any concerns because I know I'm capable of tackling any obstacles that are in my way. My friends know I'm a hard worker and will accomplish what is asked of me. Hopefully with this knowledge and experience I can eventually start my own company. Maybe start this company in the Northern Virginia area because of its continual growth. Or in the West Coast because of the great weather. I guess it will have to depend on the situation.

Reflecting back on my decision to stick with Building Construction, so far it seems like a very good idea. Class is fun and engaging. The people are great. I cannot wait to actually start doing stuff in the lab.

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