Thursday, December 3, 2015

Housing For Displaced People - Part 2

As I continue to research solutions for housing displaced people, I discover other problems that hinder a possible solution. Going back to my original blog on the issue, I investigated EverBlock, a Lego like building material. EverBlock is fairly cheap and requires very low maintenance. The blocks can be easily shipped in cargo containers in mass quantities. Also, the blocks can be configured into any type of housing or building as needed. However, as I delved deeper into this possible solution, I discovered another problem. That problem is funding.
Shortage in funds
In my subsequent blog, I researched how the flow of money for refugees worked. I discovered that the money for relief is built into most countries budget. However, the amount of money and relief were very limited. The funds were not sufficient to provide help to the majority of refugees. I proposed that each country restructured their budget. This would include more money designated to relief. For example, a possible budget would require each country to designate 3% of their discretionary funds to relief. Yet, due to recent events in Paris many people believe that the refugees are responsible. Funding and relief are becoming harder to demand more of. Many countries are becoming more hostile to refugees and want to deny help.
Funding Based On Country
The problem with allocating a certain amount of money to relief funds is that some countries will refuse to comply. Many countries would only help if they see a possible benefit from helping the refugees. Big market countries, such as the United States and China, would have to dish out more money. Since the economy in China is not fairing as well, China may not provide any funds. The world market is greatly affected by China and the overall economy in the United States has just begun to slowly recover from the recession. Therefore, forcing countries to set aside a percentage of their discretionary funds may not be feasible.
Non-governmental Organization 
The funding problem could be directed to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as the Red Cross  or the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). They will be responsible for collecting money to use to help the refugees. They will be provided the current funds from the budget of each of the countries. The NGOs must find other ways to raise funds. For example, they would have to ask for donations and set up fund raisers. They would also have to rely on volunteers to keep the expenses low. It would still require compliance from the various countries government.
I originally sought to solve the housing problems for displaced people. EverBlock seemed to be the solution but money became the issue. My examination of where the money comes from resulted in inefficient funds for any solution. However, I believe EverBlock can still be used. If each country decides to expand their budget and support the project, the refugees would greatly benefit. If each country ignores the politics and their personal gain, the housing problem would be solved. Ultimately that judgement is up to the people in power.

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