Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Safe Productive Work

We all know that time equals money. To maximize profits, a company must be productive and efficient. They have to develop and implement the plans. These plans include a tight schedule and specific safety procedures. The workers must work quickly and use their time wisely without any deviation. Yet, safety in construction is often overlooked in the pursuit of profit. Companies are willing to sacrifice safety for more money. It’s sad that people could be so selfish and greedy. All lives matter. These workers have family and friends who care about their well-being. Safety should be more important than anything.
Construction Death From Falls
Recently in my Building Construction class, we explored the importance of safety at a construction site. We participated in a safety activity that required us to flip a tarp as a team. The tarp represented a construction site and we were the workers. We had to remain on the tarp as we flipped it. If we stepped off or if our PPE fell off of us, we had to freeze for 10 seconds. Each time we performed the activity, a condition was added. For example, one condition was that we could not communicate with our team. Another condition was that we had to catch tennis balls when they were thrown at us. The tennis balls represented hazards that we would face at a construction site. If we did not catch the tennis balls it would be another 10 second penalty. The 10 second penalties represent a stoppage in work due to safety violations. Consequently, productivity decreased.
Construction Fatalities
The safety activity clearly displayed the importance of safety on the construction site. Without any hazards, we accomplished the task very quickly and efficiently. We were able to direct our focused to the task. As hazards were introduced, our productivity decreased and the workers safety suffered. We were distracted by the possibility of a hazard and had to divert our attention. It became a mess. When the hazards were controlled and we knew where they were coming from, we were able to focus on the task a little bit more. Our productivity was a little better but not as good as zero hazards. Ultimately, productivity is maximized when hazards are minimized.
From the activity, I learned that, as people, we forget the little things when we focus hard on a task. The little things, such as safety, are extremely important. Forgetting safety could result in someone or myself getting seriously injured or killed. Safety should be the utmost focus of any construction company. If a company has a bad reputation for the safety of its workers, many people would not work for them. People value their lives. This would result in the company providing a higher wage or salary to keep employees. Furthermore, the company would see a lost in revenue. By seeking to be more productive at the cost of their employees’ safety, they actually lose money. Ultimately, it is worth the cost of providing a safe work place. You cannot put a price on a person’s life. 

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